Sunday, 10 November 2019

How can a DUI ticket lead you to face the stringent rules in Arizona?

Have you been charged for DUI?
"In Arizona, getting arrested for (DUI) is a serious crime.”

Arizona is well known for its stringent laws to all the individuals that are found guilty if caught impaired while driving. If accused of DUI charges, especially on exceeding the legal limit of BAC, you need to know the serious consequences. 

“According to Road Safety Facts, data 
provided by the National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 29 people die 
every day in automotive crashes caused 
by a drunk driver, and every 50 minutes, a 
person dies because of driving under the 
influence of alcohol.”

The convict will have to pay more than they expect, have a higher chance of getting their right to driving, and license suspended for more than a year or may get imprisoned.  A skilled felony lawyer can only help you in that case to get the sentence reduced or a positive outcome for your situation. 

In Arizona, the alcohol-related crashes are one of the most commonly committed crimes.

The driver, under the influence of alcohol, behaves odd, loses concentration while driving, which causes an inability to think and decide and how to react in quick situations.

A police officer can charge you with DUI and arrest the convict by recognizing the common symptoms like- driver found sleeping in their car, breaching the traffic rules, blowing the horn unnecessarily, refusing to give the BAC test, or doing any physical damage to the vehicle.

Penalties for DUI in Arizona

There are three types of DUIs, including standard, extreme, and super extreme, each taking into account blood-alcohol content. If you exceed the legal limit of 0.08 percent BAC then you will have to pay according to the following:
  • Standard DUI: If BAC exceeds -0.08+
Imprisonment: 90 days; home detention eligible (after six days).
Fines: About $3,500, plus jail/home detention costs and $80 monitoring fee.
Screening and counseling required: Yes.
Driver's license suspension: One-year revocation.
Interlock: 12 months.
Community service30 hours.

  • Extreme DUI: If BAC-0.15+
Imprisonment:  120 days; home detention eligible (after 24 days).
Fines: About $3,740, plus jail/home detention costs and $80 monitoring fee.
Screening and counseling requiredYes.
Driver's license suspensionOne-year revocation.
Interlock: 12 months.
Community service: 30 hours.

  • Super Extreme DUI: If BAC -0.20+
Imprisonment: 180 days; home detention eligible (after 36 days).
Fines: About $4,650, plus jail/home detention costs and $80 monitoring fee.
Screening and counseling required: Yes.
Driver's license suspension: One-year revocation.
Interlock: 24 months.
Community service: 30 months.

What precautions should you take to avoid DUI arrest?
  1. Do not violate the traffic rules- drive the car in the right lane, never cross the lights, and do not blow the horn unnecessarily.
  2. Always stop at DUI checkpoints and be a volunteer to give the field sobriety test.
  3. Obey all the traffic rules, especially if mentioned drive slowly in some zones to avoid accidents or car crashes.
  4. Be polite to an officer and their questions if asked to stop in traffic.

When it comes to defend your constitutional rights, and you need a quality defense, hire a criminal and DUI defense lawyer

Since 2007 Arja shah law firm PLLC has worked belligerently to protect the rights of those charged with DUI and achieve the best possible result by understanding the complexity of the case.

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